All the pieces of Arisaig are finished! Hoorah, no more tiny rows of ribbing and boy am I sick of that lace pattern (as lovely as it is)....
I made quite a few mistakes with the sleeves, which was annoying because it's nothing complicated - I just kept losing count and sometimes I would forget to increase or decrease at the end of a row even when I had increased or decreased at the start of that row!!! Brain's gone to mush I think.

Hopefully I'll have the finished Arisaig to show and tell next week. The long weekend should help. I haven't yet decided on a colour for the tie yet but maybe a lilac or rose.
My next project will be the long awaited Asymmetrical Cardigan in Knitting Nature. In the meantime, my travel knitting consists of...

Cashmere lace scarf using Belisa Cashmere, which I started not long after Easter. Don't ask me why I'm putting myself through another fine lace project. I'm mad.