It was by a long shot the most excruciating and emotionally draining experience of my life.
Some lowlights included...
58km into 100 - Team mate discovers giant blister across her whole foot. 15 min rest stop becomes 2 hour stop.
65km into 100 - Forced to beg for food from passing team. Left dignity on the side of the trail.
72.5km into 100 - 5 out of 8 team mates retired due to exhaustion, blisters and injuries
10k's to go (about 10pm Sat and 36 hours into the walk) - Team mate starts falling asleep and is delirious. Wants to power nap in the bush. Pretend not to hear her.
6 k's to go - Start hallucinating from fatigue. See people and houses on the trail.
4 k's to go - Team mate sprained or broken ankle. Ignore her again and force her to keep going.
2 k's to go (around 2am Sunday and 40 hours with no sleep) - Looking for final turn-off in heavy fog. Visibility close to zero even with head torch. No longer feel any pain.
1k to go - Finally reach the road. In delirium abused enthusiastic volunteers for cheering and clapping.
The Finish - Feel unaccountable urge to stab volunteers who are clapping and cheering with walking pole. Pile into car and fall asleep straight away.
For boring team stats check here. So, when's the walk next year?
In knitting news, my Sockapalooza Pal Andrea from Mexico has received her Marigold socks and has some great pics here! (She likes them she likes them she likes them.)